There are a countless number of circumstances that can place you in immediate need of cash. You may require instant cash for a medical condition arising out of the blue, to give life to the prospect of owning your dream home, to avoid embarrassment from unpaid debts or simply to invest in a money-making scheme. Promissory Notes are tools that can immensely help you during such situations. These are legally validated documents which contain pledges made to you by individuals borrowing money for purchasing real estate commodities, to repay you the borrowed sum on a periodic basis, at mutually agreed upon interest rates within stipulated lengths of time. If the borrower falters with his payments, you are entitled to assert foreclosure rights over the purchased property which acts as a form of collateral against the loan. More importantly, in your times of need, you may sell promissory notes to cash-carrying investors in return for cash amounting to the principal loaned amount. Perfe...