When people consider Selling Promissory Note , many think that only whole of their note can get sold. However, partial selling is also an option for notes. Many experts are of the opinion that you must consider selling a part of your note. It is extremely beneficial if you sell the near-term payments now and then keep the rest for future selling. Sell private mortgage notes to reliable companies who can fetch great buyers for you. Here are some vital reasons for which you must consider part selling of the notes: Discount Gets Applicable Only To That Portion Which Gets Sold : You all know that cash today is more valuable than at a later date. Thus, at the time of part selling of note, the discount factor gets applied only to the remaining balance. So, less amount of discount gets applied if you are opting for partial sell. The Seller Has Remaining Amount For Future Use : It can be so that today you need only cash of ten thousand dollars and have a note of fifty thous...